Full Coverage Insurance? Think Again.

Car insurance ads are pretty creative. Who knows how many millions insurance companies spend assuring customers during prime time viewing that there’s no need to fear a catastrophic event. The reality, however, is much less entertaining. Consumers are regularly getting taken for a ride by insurance companies. Every state requires drivers carry a minimum amount of car insurance. Arizona's minimum liability coverage is $15,000 per person and $30,000 per collision. This means if six people are hurt in a collision, they have to split the money -- up to $30,000 between everyone who is hurt

Medicare: Medigap vs. Medicare Advantage

If you have Original Medicare, the traditional health insurance program run by the federal government, it pays for most of your health care. However, it doesn’t pay for everything. The out-of-pocket costs can get expensive for people who need a lot of health care. There are two ways you may be able to lower your costs. One way is to keep Original Medicare and buy supplemental insurance to help pay your out-of-pocket costs. Medigap plans are supplemental insurance you can buy. Medigaps work only with Original Medicare, not with Medicare Advantage Plans. Private insurance companies sell Med

Resources for Seniors

In Arizona, many group assist the public.  Here are some resources for seniors which may be useful: INFORMATION ON CARE FACILITIES LICENSING OR RATINGS, AND HIRING A CAREGIVER: Resources to Check Before Hiring a Caregiver Arizona Department of Health Services (DHS) - Long Term Care, Assisted Living Facilities - Licensing(link is external) Medicare.gov Nursing Home Compare(link is external) AARP Arizona(link is external) Arizona 211 Community Information and Referral/Senior Services(link is external) AZ Assisted Living Federation(link is external) LEGAL INFORMATION OR

Your Rights on the Not-so-Friendly Skies

A man was dragged from his seat on a United Airlines flight by airport security officers. Footage taken by another passenger shows the officers forcibly removing the man and dragging him by his arms down the aisle and out of the plane. The man was pulled out because he refused to leave the flight to make room for United Airlines employees after airline personnel asked him to involuntarily exit the plane. The federal Transportation Department is investigating United Airlines to determine whether the company followed proper procedure in removing passengers from an overbooked flight. According

Summer Safety Tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Summer Safety Tips: Staying Safe Outdoors Fireworks Safety​​ Fireworks can result in severe burns, blindness, scars, and even death. Fireworks that are often thought to be safe, such as sparklers, can reach temperatures above 1000 degrees Fahrenheit, and can burn users and bystanders. Families should attend community fireworks displays run by professionals rather than using fireworks at home. The AAP recommends prohibiting public sale of all fireworks, including those by mail or the Internet.​ Bug Safety Don't use scented soaps, perfumes or hair sprays on your child.