Insurers Come Under Fire for Using AI to Deny Claims

Health insurance companies, often criticized for high costs and refusal to cover physician-mandated treatments, now have a new trick up their sleeve. Many insurance providers are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to determine whether medical costs are eligible for coverage. Some insurers have come under fire for using AI to deny medical care to elderly and disabled patients.  One new lawsuit claims that the insurance company UnitedHealthcare illegally denied “elderly patients care owed to them under Medicare Advantage Plans” by deploying an AI model known by the company

Tactics Insurance Companies Use to Deny Claims

You’re involved in an accident. Someone else is at least partially to blame for your injuries and damaged property. Medical bills are piling up and because of the extent of your injuries, you’ve experienced a temporary loss of income. Recovering compensation from the at-fault party’s insurance company should be straightforward, right? If you’ve ever had to file an insurance claim, you know the frustration that seems baked into the maze of endless forms and confusing small print. Insurance companies aren’t interested in helping you get the money you deserve after an accident. They�

Nursing Homes Must Be Safe

In January, police arrested a nurse on suspicion of sexual assault of an incapacitated nursing home patient in Phoenix. In May, a jury awarded $7.5 million to a family of a disabled elderly woman who was sexually assaulted by another patient at a Pennsylvania nursing home. In Florida, a mother is currently suing her daughter's former care facility, alleging her profoundly disabled daughter, age 23, was raped, impregnated and injured while in the facility. With baby boomers retiring at record rates, our society needs a new model for operating, managing, and investigating nursing homes. We

Full Coverage Insurance? Think Again.

Car insurance ads are pretty creative. Who knows how many millions insurance companies spend assuring customers during prime time viewing that there’s no need to fear a catastrophic event. The reality, however, is much less entertaining. Consumers are regularly getting taken for a ride by insurance companies. Every state requires drivers carry a minimum amount of car insurance. Arizona's minimum liability coverage is $15,000 per person and $30,000 per collision. This means if six people are hurt in a collision, they have to split the money -- up to $30,000 between everyone who is hurt

Medicare: Medigap vs. Medicare Advantage

If you have Original Medicare, the traditional health insurance program run by the federal government, it pays for most of your health care. However, it doesn’t pay for everything. The out-of-pocket costs can get expensive for people who need a lot of health care. There are two ways you may be able to lower your costs. One way is to keep Original Medicare and buy supplemental insurance to help pay your out-of-pocket costs. Medigap plans are supplemental insurance you can buy. Medigaps work only with Original Medicare, not with Medicare Advantage Plans. Private insurance companies sell Med