What to do about Facebook Posts

We represent a young woman I’ll call “Gertrude.” Gertrude was injured in a collision a couple of years ago. She had fairly serious low back injuries which caused her pain for well over a year and which still cause occasional pain and discomfort depending on her level of activity. We sued the driver who caused the accident. As is typical, the other driver’s insurance company hired a lawyer to defend the case. The case proceeded through discovery, with both sides exchanging documents, medical records, and other information about the claim. Experts were hired by both sides to review

Juries and Facebook

Jury selection is a vital part of trial.  At Bache & Lynch, we will ask the appropriate questions of potential jurors to try to avoid mishaps, like this one in Florida.  A juror in a Florida trial posted a comment on Facebook stating “Tomorrow we gotta make a decision who has the greater weight of proof between the plaintiff and defense, and I know my answer.” Jurors receive strict instructions not to discuss a trial outside the courtroom or to make any decisions before receiving instructions from a judge.  In the end, the judge granted the Defense’s motion for a mistrial.  The p